Year 9 Revision
Year 9 Science Assessment
The Year 9 Science Assessment will take place during during students' normal Science Lesson
X-Band - Thursday 12th December - Lesson 2
Y-Band - Friday 13th December - Lesson 1
Biology, Physics and Chemistry will be assessed within the one assessment
Your examination will last for 1 hour
Assessment Specifications
These are the topics that you will be assessed on:
Biology: Growth and differentiation of Cells
Physics: Forces and motion
Chemistry: The periodic table and atomic structure.
Science Revision Resources
Download or view the documents below which lists all of the key points that have been covered in your science lessons for your self-evaluation.
Please use these when you revise (Only accessible if logged into your school Google account)
Below are links to BBC Bitesize, as well as few links to YouTube videos to help you with the revision.
Please use your books as well!